Wednesday, March 19.

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Sex is a crucial aspect in relationship in which when one devoids it, it rather creates normal friendship instead of intimate love birds. Below is some of the reasons why sex is necessary in relationship (especially being couples)


This is probably the most obvious reason why married couples need to have more sex. Sex builds intimacy. Sure, you share everything, and there’s a good bond in your relationship, and yet if sex ranks low in how you express your love for each other, something’s not right. Having to live together and the certainty of each other’s presence can cause your chemistry to fizzle out. Although you’re in love, you may have lost the sexual chemistry you had at the beginning, so what you need is a little more sex to bring it back.


It’s needless to say how amazing it can be to come home after a long day and release all that pent up stress-energy with your partner in bed. Experts say that regular sex helps people respond better to stress due to the release of feel-good endorphins in the body. Not only does it help you relax, but it gives plenty of bonding time with your partner in bed. And then there’s all the good night’s sleep you’ll get after that. Although a good work out is not recommended just before sleep, sex is an exception to it. It is observed that it decreases body temperature and promotes deep SLEEP. 


The burst of endorphins in the brain after sexual activity is responsible for helping couples bond during sex. It is not only about penetration and finishing, but the playful exploration that comes before it that will give you the most intimate moments with your partner. Both men and women need the passion, romance, and chemistry to show each other that their love is alive and doing well.


As time progresses in a long relationship, couples disagree more on things than they did before at the start of the relationship. Conflicts due to the difference of opinion become commonplace, and couples tend to drift apart. Sex then becomes an import activity to make a truce. Sexual intimacy helps couples work through their disagreements more lovingly as they look beyond their differences to find common ground that works for both instead of engaging in a power struggle. It also rekindles lost romance and reminds them of the trust they share even in the middle of their toughest struggles.


Sexually satisfied couples will tell you that sex isn’t confined only to the bedroom; the roots of it extend well beyond, into their everyday lives. Communication outside your bedroom is the key – without it, your physical connection in the bed would be weak. Great sex starts in the mind, which includes honest communication with your partner at all times. Building up to it is what makes sex so much more enjoyable, especially for women, it helps them feel a deep connection with their man and truly love the intercourse.


Sex being the vigorous physical activity that it is, helps you burn a lot of calories. A good round of sex is equivalent to some moderate physical activity such as brisk walking of climbing a flight of stairs. You also mobilize muscles during sex, which help you tighten and tone your abdomen, lower back and thighs. On an average, you would end up burning 200 calories in 30 minutes of good sex. Therefore if you’re on a fitness program monitoring all the calories you intake and burn, cutting out a little time on the treadmill and substituting it with sex with your partner has compounded benefits.


Sex is important to feel great about yourself. Nobody enjoys being in a marriage that lacks physical passion. Everybody wants to be desired. Therefore, passionate and invigorating sex is an indicator that your partner is still into you. Being great in bed and having your spouse come back to you wanting more is a great self-esteem booster for both men and women. On the other hand, examining how important sex is in a long term relationship shows that a fizzled out chemistry or being insecure about yourself and performing poorly can eventually drive your partner to look for other means outside the marriage.


Not only can sex give you a good workout and burn calories, but it also has numerous physical health benefits for both you and your partner. The muscles involved in sex are toned finely, improving bladder control in both men and women. The endorphins released during sexual activity help to ease physical pain and sometimes even migraines and back pain, promoting calmness and well-being. Sexual intercourse with your partner is also a good cardio work out along with having plenty of benefits for the heart, such as lowering blood pressure afterwards and decreasing chances of heart disease.


Besides bonding and intimacy, sex has plenty of psychological effects that are both good for you and your marriage. Sex with your spouse is known to increase the quality of your life and your happiness. However, this relates to meaningful sex with full involvement of both the partners. Sex releases endorphins which are essential to feeling good, lowering irritability and fighting off periods of depression. The hormone oxytocin released during sexual stimulation helps in bonding and the feeling of security and connectedness.


Although sex needs no reason other than itself, many couples have sex as a celebration of their love and intimacy. Not only does it feel amazing, but it also keeps the spark alive and staves off monotony.

Sex obviously has plenty of benefits, and the more you have, the better. However, remember that not all is lost when you do not have it as much as everybody else does. The frequency is not what matters; it’s the quality.

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