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    Only men have prostate and is located under the bladder through which the urethra passes. Prostate is not a disease but an organ of men reproductive system, meanwhile it is prone to three common infections known as Prostate enlargement (prostatic hyperplasia), Prostatitis and prostate cancer which can greatly affect life quality although it may not threaten life directly. The main functions of the prostate are; to promote orgasm, helps in ejaculation and about 10 to 30% of the semen is composed with prostatic secretions. At the age of 25 years, the prostate antioxidant capacity reached its peak, and after 35 years of age, one begins to experience prostate discomfort due to lack of antioxidant capacity and prostate begins to encounter problems if you don’t pay much attention to it. The good news is that if men pay attention to their prostate and takes the following tips seriously, it will help them a lot to keep their prostate in a good health.


    First, have a regular exercise to maintain your weight or make an effort to decrease your weight if you are obese. Some researchers suggest that obesity may promote inflammation and alter blood levels of hormones that enhances cancer growth. Keeping a healthy weight through regular exercise and being physically active with a healthy balanced diet will do you good to prevent you from prostate infections such as prostate cancer.


    Secondly, say no to dietary fat and embrace fatty fishes like salmon, sardines, tuna and halibut. Studies have shown that men who takes in high dietary fat, especially saturated fat from animal products have higher risk of prostate enlargement and cancer. Meanwhile, some fatty fishes like salmon, Tuna, sardines and halibut are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects and is good for your prostate health. It is recommended that middle aged and older men should avoid fatty meat and eat fish.

    Number three is eating more fruits and vegetables such as cabbage, carrots broccoli and others. Men who takes in more fruits and vegetables daily have lower risk of prostate cancer especially Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli because they are rich in substances that helps to detoxify carcinogens (cancer-causing substances).


    The last tip is having a regular sex with your partner. Note that having a regular sex with your partner is good and can save you from prostatic calculi formation but excessive sex is bad and can lead to prostate enlargement. Excessive sex is having more than one sexual intercourse with your partner at a time whiles regular sex is having sexual intercourse with your partner in a regular bases, like three to four times a week.

    The above tips can be very helpful to care for your prostate health but do not overlook these healthy lifestyle too; Drink more water and do not hold back urine, keep your private area clean, stay away from caffeine and spicy foods, and avoid alcohol. Do not take your prostate health for granted and always live a healthy lifestyle. Stay safe, like and share this with a friend to get him informed.

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