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        Some social media inventors

    Do you watch and share stories on Instagram? Do you use twittet to tweet about your thoughts? Many people share blog posts on Tumblr or play with filters on Snapchat. Others find friends on Facebook. Social media sites are everywhere today. Have you ever wodered how social media came into existence?

    What rings in your mind when you hear “social media”? What pops up into many people’s head immediately is Facebook. Facebook is a social media giant, but it wasn’t the first one. The first social media site was Six Degrees, made by Andrew Weinreich in 1997. Six Degrees was very popular having so many users until 2003. That was the year Tom Anderson created MySpace. This new site let users make profiles that played their favorite music. They could even design their own backgrounds. MySpace quickly became the most used social media site in the world.

    Then, Facebook came and changed everything. Mark Zuckerberg made Facebook when he was a sophomore at Harvard in 2004. It went public in 2006, and people flocked to the site. Over the years, Facebook did a lot to stay on top. It monitored its competitors and added their most popular traits to its own site. Facebook added hashtags to keep up with Twitter. Later, it added stories to compete with Snapchat. Today, Facebook is the world’s biggest social media site. It has 2.32 billion monthly users.

    When Instagram went live in 2010, Facebook knew it had a tough competitor. Instagram is a much more visual place than Facebook. This quickly attracted the attention of younger users. On Instagram, users can add filters to their photos and watch each others’ daily stories. When Facebook bought Instagram in 2011, it further cemented its place in the social media world. In 2018, Instagram had one billion users. Many think the site will one day be bigger than Facebook. WhatsApp is also challenging, Imo, telegram is pupping up, WeChat and more.

    We at Mypressgh for instance use social media oftenly. We tweet latest updates  everyday and talk with the public by feeding and educating all on Facebook. We even follow celebrities and many others on Instagram, twitter, Pinterest. However, we limit the time we spend on social media. Some studies have found that social media users are less happy and more anxious than others. Social media has also been blamed for spreading misinformation. It’s a great tool for staying connected, but it should be used with extra care.

    It’s always important to stay safe online. This is especially true on social media, where you may encounter people you don’t know. There are many ways to stay safe. First, never share your passwords with others. Second, be very vigilant when chatting with strangers. Even if someone says they know your friends or family, just be careful to people you don’t know. Finally, don’t give out your personal information. Sharing things like your phone number or address can put you in danger.

    How do you like to connect with your friends? Have you ever written a friend a letter? Do you talk on the phone? People have always enjoyed connecting with friends and family. Today, we use our most powerful tool — the Internet — to do so. What will be the next big social media site? Will Facebook stay on top, or will Instagram catch up? What do you think? Which is your favourite social media?

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