English is very easy and interesting. Some people often say that it is difficult, but it is not true. English has some rules that one needs to abide with to make it easy. There are some English expressions that people say today that are not correct. Now let's learn some English.
When a woman gives birth to a baby,it is wrong to say “deliver a baby”. The correct word to use is “puts to bed”.
For example; My sister puts to bed.
– It is wrong to say someone is “born by”. The correct usage is ” born of”.
For example; Juliet is born of a woman.
– Saying “bed of the same feather” is wrong. They correct form of this expression is “birds of a feather”.
For example; The two boys are birds of a feather.
– “Good” is an adjective that can be used with three prepositions “at”, “for” and ” with”.
“Good at” is used to show skill in something.
“Good for” is used to show usefulness.
” Good with” is used to show ‘capable of caring for’.
For example; Isreal is good at writing poetry.
– Lightening/lightning.
“Lightening” means capable of making something light – not in weight but in colour or complexion.
“Lightning” is the light that accompanies thunder.
– When a person is working out of a place and he/she has the intention of coming back,it is wrong to say “I am coming”. The correct usage is ” just a moment,I will be back.”
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