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    You need to make her feel unique to you. She has to feel like you’re only interested in her and nobody else. Sometimes saying a few specific things can help her see just how you truly feel. Here are some of the things girls like to hear that can help you communicate your feelings.

    1. Compliments about her intelligence. As much as girls like to be told they’re pretty, calling her smart is a much more effective way to make her feel good. If she’s beautiful, she’s probably always complimented on her looks. But what about her brains?

    Just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean she’s not smart. If you know her and want to make her feel incredible, tell her you like the way she thinks. Tell her you love how smart she is and how she thinks things through. It’ll mean more to her than you know.

    2. Compliments about her creativity. Aside from just being smart, girls love to be told they’re creative. It’s not a compliment people usually give and that’s why it’s one of the things girls like to hear. They don’t hear it often so it means more.

    This is even more powerful when used during a time she’s actually being creative. So if she just painted something or made a bracelet or something that involves creativity, just tell her she’s very creative. It’ll make her day.

    3. Anything about how she’s “one-of-a-kind.” All girls want to hear that they’re not like others. And while we already know we’re unique because there’s no one else like us, we still want to hear it from our men.

    So make sure to remind her that you like her because she’s not like other girls. She’s better. She makes you happier than anyone else because she’s one-of-a-kind. 

    4. Unique things about her looks. You definitely can tell a girl she’s attractive. However, the way you say this can make a major difference in how she hears it. Instead of telling her she has pretty eyes, focus on describing why you like them.

    Saying that they’re such an interesting shade of blue with little lines of green will make her feel a lot more special than saying, “your eyes are really cute.” It makes her feel like you’re paying extra attention – and that makes her feel loved and special to you

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