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    A Nurse has petitioned the National Health Insurance Authority(NHIA) over allegations that the Sawla District Manager Mahama Sakara, attempted to rape and s3xually harassed her.

    The nurse Doreen Smith works at the Soma CHPS Compound in the Sawla-Tuba-Kalba District, Savannah Region.

    In the petition dated July 12, 2020 and addressed to the Chief Executive Office of the NHIA, Doreen alleged that Mr. Sakara visited her workplace on July 8, 2020 around 9am “with the mission of monitoring.”

    She said upon reaching the facility, Mr Sakara Mahama started s3xualy demands which she did not give in to making him aware that she has been engaged to another man.

    Doreen said Mr. Sakara upon hearing that forced her and got his hand inside her vagina but could not get the opportunity to sleep with her.

    According to the petition the incident has been reported to the Police in the Northern Region and also the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba Health Directorat.

    It called on the NHIA to investigate Mr. Sakara Mahama.
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    At about 9 AM on the 8th of July 2020, the District Manager of Sawla Tuna-Kalba Scheme (Mahama Sakaara) in the Savannah Region arrived at Soma CHPS with the mission of monitoring.

    Meanwhile, the Northern Regional NHIA Directorate has since forwarded the matter to the Greater Accra region for investigation to take place.

    This incident was reported to the Sawla Polioe Station on the 9th of July, 2020 pending investigation. Equally, I have reported the incident of this attempted rape and s3xualy harassment to Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District Health Directorate.

    I am calling on your good office as a reputable key partner in Ghana health care delivery, to investigate and institute the appropriate sanctions on Mr Mahama Sakara. He used his position as a District Manager to gain entry into Soma CHPS leading to such shameful s3xual assault”, the petition read in part

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