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    Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman Manu says even though Ghana recorded its first two cases of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) on March 12, 2020, there already existed cases of coronavirus infections in the country prior to the confirmation of the cases.

    According to the minister the SARS-CoV-2 which is a new strain of respiratory-related viruses called coronavirus adds to a situation that has always been in existence and will be for quite a long time.

    “Some of us (Ghanaians) even before this outbreak had coronavirus in our system. That is why when the thing started, they called it novel. Novel is French, in English it is new, so they say new coronavirus. It means coronavirus has been in the world for a very long time ago and it is still here with us. So we are still going to have coronavirus for generations yet to come.”

    The minister who had already stated Ghana continue to record cases of cases of H1N1 (swine flu) years after its outbreak emphasised that there is the need for Ghanaians to adjust their lifestyle to the current situation as government and experts continue to play their role in managing the spread of the virus.

    “We need to first of all make our minds that our way of life, the way we live is going to change for a long time to come. So we need to begin to advice ourselves that to enable the scientists fight the battle to win, to enable our presidents dream realised, we have to change our way of life. If not permanently at least temporally.”

    While pointing out that Ghana’s rate of infection and fatality remains low as compared to other countries, the minister called on citizens to adhere to measures such as the observance of social distancing among others to help stop the spread of the virus.

    Ghana’s COVID-19 numbers as of this morning of May 5, 2020 stands at 2,719 total confirmed cases, 294 recoveries as well as 18 cases of deaths.

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